Saturday 19 January 2019

The Flower Year....Hellibores

I'm colouring all the images in Leila Duly's 'The Flower Year' in realistic colours (in keeping with the realistic and botanically correct style of the illustrations).  Hellibores are quite difficult as they are such muted colours, but I think I managed to achieve a fairly lifelike look. I used Polychromos pencils.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Amsterdam from Fantastic Cities

I used watersoluble markers with coloured pencil on top to colour this page from Steve McDonald's excellent book 'Fantastic Cities'. Very enjoyable to colour.

Monday 14 January 2019

The Flower Year....January

First month page in 'The Flower Year' by Leila Duly. I just used coloured pencils for a quick and easy start to my colouring year.

Chopping Wood from Jade Summer 'Country Farm'

Another page from my favourite Jade Summer book 'Country Farm'. I used muted shades for a soft, natural look. I used Inktense pencils and with coloured pencil on top.